I could get used to this

Tuesday 20 January, 6.40 a.m. This is our fifth day since we arrived in Nicaragua and if you could see the view from which where I am sitting, you really know my life totally sucks right now! So we’re in this hostel at the beach somewhere, small characteristic village, not really knowing what they could be living on, besides tourism and some fishing. The fishermen are preparing to get out and I see they are taking some tourists with them which are of course german. What’s up with the germans and their fishing all the time? Leave the fishsticks alone! Anyway, life here doesn’t really look like to have a Monday to Sunday week. Every day, people get up, do their work, make sure they have enough to survive another day or month and chill a little more in their hammocks while listening to reggaeton coming from oversized speakers we used to have in the 90’s.

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