It is already 10 p.m. and according to my original ‘plan’ I should have been in bed already for a long time. But then I skyped for more than 2 hours with my mom and sister. Well you have to know what is important in life 🙂 We just came back from the restaurant where I had king crab for dinner. It was very tasty but there was a disconnect between the price and the quantity. That means the portion was either too small, or it was too expensive. I learned that an exclusive meal like king crab is like oysters, truffles or any other kind of fancy food; it is overrated and overpriced.
Anyway, from this day we are exactly traveling for 6 weeks but we have never been more excited than today. Tomorrow we will board the bark Europa and will start a 52-days sailing trip to Antarctica, South Georgia, Tristan da Cunha and finally Cape Town, South Africa. From now on, our flip-flops, shorts and summer hats disappear to the bottom of our backpacks and we take out our jackets, sweaters and thermal underwear.
There are so many questions to be answered; who will be our companions on the boat? How will our cabin be? And who will we share it with? And the food? And the seasickness? And the crew? It is only a matter of hours and those questions will be history. It is only a matter of time where will be thrown into one of the craziest adventures of our lives and this special experience will become our normal standard of living for 52 days.
This is one of the moments I have been looking most forward to. Setting foot on that ship means I will be offline and out of reach for 52 days. No phone, no email, no facebook, no newsfeeds, no nothing, just 60 crazy people who paid a lot of money to sail to the end of the world. To go where nobody else goes and where nobody else lives. Being the generation that has witnessed the evolution of the computer and internet, the rise and fall of MSN messenger, the upcoming of facebook and all the perversities that it caused, I feel lucky to be able to experience this at my age. And most of all, I realize that this is probably the only and last moment for the rest of my life that I will be off the internet for such a long time.
It is time to disconnect…
Hoi bert en paulien, misschien ben ik nog op tijd, of misschien zijn jullie al gedisconnect. Anyway, heeeeele fijne reis gewenst. Doe de pinguïns de groeten!
Hoi Bert, ook jij een hele goede en mooie reis! Ga ervan genieten, maak mooie foto’s, en sla je herinneringen op in je eigen hoofd. Daar heb je geen computer voor nodig! zorg goed voor jezelf en natuurlijk ook voor Paulien
“To go where nobody else goes”
Lichtjes overdreven hé 🙂
Je bent nog vergeten er ‘boldly’ bij te zetten!
Antarctica heeft per jaar ongeveer 30-35.000 bezoekers maar het continent is nog een derde groter dan Australie dus in dat opzicht heb je gelijk.
MAAR, wij hebben effectief eilanden bezocht en zijn naar plaatsen geweest waar geen enkele andere toeristische schepen mogen en/of kunnen landen. Dus… Voor deze ene keer heb ik serieus niet overdreven…